Be sure to pay all tuition due by the tuition payment deadline. To avoid being dropped after the fifth day of the term, it's necessary to pay a minimum of $300 or 15% down (whichever is less) or set up a payment plan.
Payment Due Dates
Summer 2025: May 12, 2025
Fall 2025: Aug. 4, 2025
View Your Statement/Account
Student Tuition/Fee Statement (Invoice) can be viewed online through Student eServices.
- Click on “Bills and Payment”
- Click on “View Account Detail”
You may “Make a Payment in Full” or “Enroll in a Payment Plan”.
Need help logging in (use your STAR ID)?
Payment Options
Tuition may be paid online, 24-hours a day through Student eServices. Once logged in, click “Bills and Payments” then “Make a Payment” by Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card, e-payments from your checking or savings account.
For your security, credit card payments over the telephone are not accepted.
Need help logging in (use your STAR ID)?
You may pay your tuition and fees at the Bookstore/Business Office in Rm 181 (the Bookstore) during regular office hours.
Types of payment accepted:
Money order
- Discover
You may use the payment drop box located to the right of the Financial Aid window to make a payment after hours.
Please be sure to include your student ID number on your payment.
You may mail your tuition payment directly to the Business Office. Be sure to include your student ID number (and student name if different than the name on the check). Mailed payments must be received in the Business Office by the payment due date (or tuition due date).
Mail Payments to:
Business Office
Anoka Technical College
1355 West Highway 10
Anoka, MN 55303
Access your account through eServices to print your payment receipt. If you don't have web access:
* You may pick up your receipt at the Business Office by presenting a photo ID, or
* Provide a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the Business Office for a mailed receipt.
Anoka Technical College offers a convenient, interest free payment plan through Nelnet Business Solutions.
Financial Aid is available for those who qualify.
When a student's tuition, fees and/or bookstore purchases are billed directly to an outside agency or organization, the process is termed "third party billing." The college agrees to bill the agency or organization directly on behalf of the student. The college must receive an authorization from the sponsoring agency or organization before the third-party billing can be processed.

Help to Pay for College
More than 90 percent of students receive financial support through scholarships, grants, loans and more. There are many ways available to help pay for college.
Learn More